Welcome to E-J HR Consulting
E-J HR Consulting supports organisations who recognise and value the role that people managers have on organisational performance, change & transformation. We support individuals and organisations in their leadership growth and development in a variety of different ways, including but not limited to;
- Coaching
- Improving line managers/leaders capability
- Employee Wellness Programme
- HR strategy development linked to business strategy & plans
- Providing additional HR resource
So if you’re looking for a strategic people management partner, then please contact us HERE, for a free, no obligation conversation.
'A leader is anyone who takes responsibly for finding the potential in people and processes, and who has the courage to develop that potential'
Dr Brene Brown ‘Dare to Lead’
Why should I hire you when I can download a ‘free’ policy template off the internet?
Here at E-J HR Consulting it is important that we understand the context of what you are trying to achieve. What is your strategic plan and how does the work fit in with or support it?...
We’re a small business with only a few employees, do I really need HR support?
The smaller the business in terms of headcount the more significant the impact of any people management issues, particularly relating to performance and conduct. So a more helpful question to think about is can you afford not to HR support in place?
How do I know what my costs are going to be if I work with E-J HR Consulting?
Typically, before any work commences you will receive a proposal document from us. This will outline our understanding of the work you want us to do and detail the costs. So you know up front what your costs are going to be.
Why do I need to be thinking about people management and the capability of any people managers in my business?
In order for any organisations to perform, however you are defining that, you need to have leaders who are clear about what is trying to be achieved and why at all levels.